Year 4 and 50th Blog Post

Here we are again: another blog birthday. Year 4 AND my 50th post ever AND the first post ever written in an airport. What a moment for the blog anniversary. I started You Had Me At Solo in 2020 and wow – time has flown (iykyk). The past twelve months have been amazing and to celebrate I thought I would do four milestones for four years.

Travel Milestone

If there’s one theme when it comes to this year, it would have to be travel. I crossed off 2 more national parks and 3 new countries. And that’s not counting the fact that I’m currently sitting at Logan about to go to Paris.

On the national park side…

Last fall, my sister and I did a crazy road trip to the Great Smoky Mountains and then in March, my siblings and I did Congaree in South Carolina (one of my favorites).

Harry Hampton Visitor Center at Congaree National Park
On the international side…

Back in September, I visited one of my besties in Amsterdam and in May, my family did Ireland and Italy.

The last twelve months have been packed with travel and I am so grateful to have been able to share those experiences with friends and family.

Sustainability Milestone

In February, I got into grad school (and start next month ahh)!! I will be attending Villanova for my MS in environmental science. This next step is one I am super excited for (and a little nervous), but I always knew I wanted to go to school for this and it’s been a year of prepping and applying and the time is right. Stay tuned for a lot of science-y posts in the next year.

I cannot believe I graduated 3 years ago

Blog Milestone

For my fourth blog anniversary, I finally figured out how to set up a homepage lol. Tech is not exactly a passion of mine – I like the writing part so much more when it comes to the blog. So I was basically posting into the ether for three years oops. Luckily, this year I finally sucked it up and figured out how to set up a (rudimentary) landing page. Shockingly, it was not as hard as I made it out to be in my head. If you ever happen upon YHMAS’ homepage, please compliment me on it ;))

Just a cute little frog :))

Number(?) Milestone

I always like looking back over the year and seeing what content performed best – I think it’s the marketer in me. Site traffic passed 1K! My most popular post was my solo Vermont trip recap. Crazy enough that was my most recent solo trip (May 2023). Don’t worry – I am two hours away from my first international solo trip so I can keep the blog name (can you tell I’m really excited for my Paris trip by how many times I’ve brought it up in this post?).

I am so grateful for this past year and always get a kick looking back at my posts. Happy Blog-iversary and here’s to another year of being obsessed with local travel and sustainability :))


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