4 More Things to Have as a Solo Traveler

With my first solo trip coming up since last May(!!!), I thought it was time to update this blog post (my second ever) with 4 more things to have as a solo traveler! At the time, the only solo trip I had ever been on was to Acadia National Park. Since 2020, I have now also solo road-tripped Shenandoah, New River Gorge, and Cuyahoga National Parks, spent a week solo in Vermont and visited countless other local attractions. In a couple of days, I embark on my first solo international trip (ahh!).

There are reasons I love traveling solo and reasons I love traveling with other people, but that’s for another post. With 4 more years of experience behind me, here are 4 more things to have as a solo traveler!

Photo from my recent trip to Ireland right before my first solo international trip

Solo Travel Must Haves

Satellite Phone

In certain areas, national parks especially, your phone just doesn’t work. There’s nothing worse than a no service alert on your phone when you’re hiking alone. It’s always a good rule of thumb to tell at least one person your plans for the solo trip, but sometimes things don’t go to plan and having a way to contact people can be important.

I was hiking Shenandoah solo back in 2021 and took a wrong turn on a trail without realizing it. After 45 minutes the trail I was on just disappeared into the undergrowth. Even though other people knew the trails I was doing that day, I had taken a completely wrong turn and ended up on a totally different trail. Now I retraced my steps once I realized something was wrong, but a satellite phone def would have quelled some of my panic (I have a very poor sense of direction).

Picture off the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland
Dingle, Ireland

Pepper Spray, Birdie, and Other Safety Items

I cannot believe this missed the list in 2020. Granted, I am more aware of the fact that I am a woman traveling alone than I was when I first started. I carry my pepper spray with me everywhere when I solo travel. But since I don’t check bags, I also have a Birdie Alarm for international trips. I have a whole safety set up for hotel rooms too, which is def overkill but I’m usually staying in budget [sketchy] hotels. And, if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.


In general when traveling, I prefer to wear shoes I don’t have to worry about. I want something that won’t have a heel break or give blisters. Also, wearing a good pair of sneakers allows me to feel confident that I could do anything from enjoy a spontaneous stroll around a park to escape an uncomfy situation. I wear Sketchers and love them.


This is more of a fun one. Sometimes I’m really in the mood to talk and connect with people and sometimes I’m not. It happens. Wearing sunglasses is an easy way to people watch and take in my surroundings without creating an invitation for people to come and talk to me.

Solo traveling in Shenandoah National Park where I could have used some More Things to Have as a Solo Traveler
Hiking solo in Shenandoah National Park

Bonus: Power bank

I hate carrying them around so rarely do, but this vacation my phone charger broke on an island. I had to rely on other people on the trips and the locals to keep my phone charged until I found another charger to buy. A power bank would have been nice to have in that situation. When you’re traveling solo you only have yourself to rely on and my phone has all my information and resources on it.

I know some of this probably seems like overkill. I’ve met people who solo travel a lot more spontaneously than I do. Having items like this makes me feel prepared and safe so I can actually enjoy the experience of traveling solo. And whatever type of solo traveler you are, I hope you found one (or more) of these suggestions useful. While it’s essential to pack well, it’s equally important to carry a spirit of curiosity.

Here’s to safe travels, unforgettable experiences, and the joy of discovering the world, one solo adventure at a time! I hope these 4 more things to have as a solo traveler gave you some new ideas. Stay tuned for my first solo international trip :))

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