Why Hiking is One of the Best Day Trips Right Now

*disclaimer please make sure to do research on area specific COVID-19 policies before traveling

I just got back from hiking Acadia National Park and I’m probably not the first to tell you, it is a beautiful work of nature. I took a day trip up from southern Maine and hiked Bubble Rock, Jordan Pond and Cadillac Mountain. I had a couple other trails on my list but they were closed for Peregrine nesting and the ones I ended up completing are iconic trails, especially for a first trip.

Hiking makes a great pandemic outing for a multitude of reasons. First, it is something you can do by yourself. There are an abundance of trails no matter where you live and you can pick a skill level that suits your needs. You can go for an hour, a day, or an overnight. Additionally, many trails lend themselves to social distancing. In the event that the trail is narrow and you need to pass people, make sure your mask is on hand. Hiking makes a great change of scenery from wherever you’ve been staying at for the past couple months. This isn’t even taking into account the boost it can give to your physical and mental health. There are so many different options, you could go on a new adventure every day. Consider making your friends jealous with all the dope pictures.

Traveling during this time can be a challenge. Consider taking localized hikes and becoming an expert in your area. Remember to be respectful and responsible. Follow this link for specific guidelines on how to keep nature and others safe! Additionally, the American Hiking Society created a list of frequently asked questions for hiking during this time. If you are smart and safe, hiking can make one of the best day trips right now.

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